• Narrative
My name is Johnny I am 17 and it is 1932.
I have a mother and a father and we on a farm. We heard on the news that our country is in a time called the Great Depression. We as farmers suffered a 60% decrease in the cost of crops. It had been about 4 years since this started. I was 17 and i couldnt even find a job. None the less my parents werent doing well either. We barely had any money. So my dad decided to call his brother Jim and see if he could lend us some money. My Uncle was a construction worker. And he told my dad that construction was halted in many countries including this one. So he apparantly didnt have any money. I remember my mom telling me that Pres. Herbert Hoover was starting a lot of programs but none ever helped. So me and my friend Sue went to Al Capones free food shop. Even though it was only for unemployed men and woman. I could easily pass and so did sue. We had a nice free meal and left. So we barely made it but somehow we saw the year 1933. Roosevelt was now Pres. I had faith that with a new leader things might change.
Then the Dust Bowl came which was a big disaster. They were saying on the news how hundreds of thousands of people were being forced off there farms. To think mother nature could be this cruel.
I was now 18 but i couldnt even get a job. I was so happy though because when i was 19 i got a job from the WPA(Works Progress Administration) U didnt have to even be skilled. So i got the job and was finally bringing in some money. My parents were happy to finally not have to work so hard on the farm. The next year my Dad got hired to. So we were bringing in some steady payment. And in about 5 years i was able to move out I had gotten a better job. My parents were finacially stable to since the cost of crops rose.
Shows how the kids wanted there Parents to have a job.
The line at Al Capones free food place.
Shows how desperate Americans were for jobs.
Some people didnt even have a place to sleep
Ironic to see all these unemployed people next to a sign that promotes America.
Stresses how long lines could be at food shelters.
Shows how people slept anywhere they could
Soup Line
What some people ate.
Conditions people had to live in.